Homeopathic remedies come from many things, ie plant, mineral or animal substances which are then highly diluted and energised. The remedies resonate with the patient on an ‘energy’ level, boosting their healing ability and immune system. You cannot overdose and there are no side effects.
Homeopathy works deeply and holistically, dealing with the whole person simultaneously on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. Often the client will experience a feeling of ‘well-being’ even before a physical improvement in their symptoms.
The principle behind homeopathy is ‘like cures like’ - a substance that would create symptoms in a healthy person will cure those same or similar symptoms in a sick person. It stimulates a person’s own self-healing response.
Homeopathy was introduced and studied by Samuel Hahnemann, who lived between 1755-1843. Originally a Doctor, Hahnemann was frustrated that the practices of blood-letting and leeches were not working, and came across the idea that ‘like cures like’ albeit in a safe format and not as a poison.
Hahnemann started treating patients holistically, as a whole person, not just the ailment that they were presenting him with. This individual tailored approach took on board the whole picture of how the patient is on an emotional, physical and spiritual level.
This is the same theory that homeopaths follow to this day. If for example, you come to me with continued migraine symptoms, I will consider the cause, not just the bad headache. It is by doing this that the condition can then be considered in its entirety as part of the person, rather than something that may be ‘cured’.
There are two spellings of the word, but they both apply to the same practice.